Let’s Get Acquainted!
The first step in getting started is to download the registration form, complete it, scan and send to karen at karenrothstein.com and cc sacramentohypnobirthing at gmail.com
You can also use the contact form below if you would like me to call you to discuss any questions you may have about the classes, the schedule, or the content of our childbirth classes. We welcome inquiries just to learn more about our offerings here at Sacramento HypnoBirthing.
If you would like me to text you, you may indicate that in the message body of the form. Please indicate a good time to make a connection. I will try my very best to reach you at the time indicated. This will cut down on the phone tag we very busy people tend to play.
I strive to return all emails and to acknowledge all enrollments received within 24 hours. If you do not hear from me, please follow up. Cyber gremlins are real and they have been known to devour an enrollment form or two!
It is best to enroll at or around week 24 – 28 of your pregnancy but later is better than never.
Yes, I am interested in enrolling in HypnoBirthing!

Classes are offered as both an in-person childbirth class and an online childbirth class. Currently, we have a blended option for those desiring the more personable experience of in-person prenatal education program. Online childbirth classes can be done from the comfort of your own couch through Zoom. Make a cuppa, set some snacks, fluff your favorite pillow, make your space comfy, and come join us!