Small Blog Beginnings

There’s just something to be said for




starting a blog. In many ways it is like announcing you are expecting a child.

Like pregnancy, there’s a lot of preparation that goes on prior to the arrival. You have a lot of unknowns, and of course faith. Faith that everything is going as it should, on schedule and, if you are first-time mom, a lot of wondering how it is going to all come together.

There’s a great video clip I show in the class about conception to birth. Each and every time I view it (about 200 times so far) I am moved, many times to tears, by the part where the speaker talks about the Divinity of birth, and how the body knows what to do to make another little human. He talks about the same elements that make up the heavens, the stars, the mountains, know how to selectively come together in a way that they organize into a human being.

Now that this website it up, and the blog is beginning, I am going to give it the same expectant faith we have when we are pregnant. I have no idea what it will grow up to be. I trust in the same guidance that develops little babies so perfectly in the womb that this blog will grow into what it needs to be for its readers.

I want to hear from you. Let me know what you want to read about; talk about. We’ll grow together. This time, my baby will be in the form of a blog, and I’ll share my insights with you about Hypnobirthing, raising children, parenting and relationships.

Deal? Let’s begin.