The Positive Benefits of Visualization In HypnoBirthing: Unlocking Your Mind’s Potential

The Positive Benefits of Visualization In HypnoBirthing: Unlocking Your Mind’s Potential



Visualization Key for a Successful HypnoBirth

Visualization is one of six key components we teach in HypnoBirthing The Mongan Way ® Visualization is a powerful tool that can help you unlock your mind’s potential. It has been proven to enhance various aspects of your life, including physical performance, academic and career success, and even your overall health and well-being.  Have you ever closed your eyes and imagined yourself in a peaceful setting or envisioned yourself achieving a goal? If so, then you’ve practiced visualization.

The Science Behind Visualization

More than just a New Age fad popularized the movie, The Secret, visualization has been studied by scientists since the late 1800’s. There is an article sharing research about mental imagery and the capacity of people to visualize published by Frances Galton in Mind, a scholarly journal of the Oxford University Press.

Visualization is based on a phenomenon called neuroplasticity, which refers to the brain’s ability to change and reorganize itself through growth. When the brain is rewired to function in a different way than before, this is called neuroplasticity. A good example of this is when a person learns a new language, and their brain develops new connections to facilitate language acquisition.

By tapping into the brain’s ability to process images and emotions, visualization creates new connections in the brain through neuroplasticity. This means that visualization can help rewire the brain and facilitate positive changes in behavior and performance. Key word, here is emotion. Emotion is the secret sauce of visualization. Dr. Joe Dispenza, noted researcher in the fields of   neuroscience, brain function and chemistry, tells his audiences that when you feel the emotion of what you are visualizing as if you have just achieved what desire you are putting your body into a certain state. It is that state that the body/mind seeks to replicate again and again. We are creatures of pattern.

But, I’ve never birthed before, how will I know how I will feel?

You are right. The mix of hormones and the ensuing emotions you feel after birthing are very unique and mothers agree the emotions are almost indescribable.  Joy and overwhelming love combine perfectly to make a euphoric cocktail that won’t be served again until your next birth.  The default emotion for now? Dr. Joe says the best emotions to feel in visualization is love, joy or gratitude. He asserts these emotions speak the language of the quantum field to help bring forth your desires.

Why Visualization is Important in HypnoBirthing

Visualization in HypnoBirthing is key to your success on many levels. According to a study by the National Institutes of Health, visualization can activate the same regions of the brain as the actual experience, creating a neural blueprint for success. If you are mentally rehearsing your birth, seeing it unfold calm, peaceful, stress free you are going to achieve that state more likely than if you leave your birthing brain to go to its default state that has been programmed by media. Additionally, research from the University of California, Berkeley found that visualizing positive outcomes can stimulate the brain’s reward system and increase motivation.

Techniques for Effective Visualization

To effectively practice visualization, there are several techniques to keep in mind. One is to set clear intentions and goals before beginning your visualization practice. This can help you focus your mind and create a clear mental image of what you want to achieve. Another technique is to engage all of your senses while visualizing, including what you see, hear, smell, taste, and feel. Creating vivid mental imagery can also be helpful in strengthening the neural pathways associated with visualization.

The Positive Benefits of Visualization

The benefits of visualization are numerous, and research has shown that it can lead to improved performance in various areas of life. For example, a study from the University of Chicago found that athletes who regularly visualized themselves performing their sport’s skills had better overall performance compared to those who did not visualize. Birth has often been compared to an athletic event.

Visualization has also been shown to be effective in improving academic and career success. A study from the University of Plymouth found that students who visualized themselves succeeding in exams performed better than those who did not practice visualization. The tools you learn in your HypnoBirthing class are not just for birthing. They are tools for life!

Visualization has also been linked to enhanced physical and mental health. Research from the University of Arizona found that patients who visualized themselves healing from surgery experienced less pain and shorter hospital stays compared to those who did not visualize. Whether it is the hypnosis in HypnoBirthing or the visualizations we provide that helps moms down regulate the pain they perceive is still under question. What we do know is the moms who use our techniques perceive less pain than moms who have not learned hypnobirthing skills.

The Positive Effects of Visualization in Everyday Life

Visualization is a key tool for HypnoBirthing moms AND birthing companions. It can be used in everyday life for stress reduction and relaxation, goal setting and motivation, and personal growth and development. When used for stress reduction and relaxation, visualization can help create a sense of calm and reduce anxiety. This is transferred to the baby in utero. Studies show that mother’s stress has a significant impact on the baby while it is in the womb. Keeping cortisol levels low, a by-product of relaxation practice, helps to create a baby who is noticeably calmer once it is outside the womb.

In my HypnoBirthing class I share more research on the effects of visualization in goal setting and motivation, and share examples of how visualization can help create a mental blueprint for success and increase motivation to achieve a desired outcome beyond birthing calmly.  It is a technique and a tool used in many industries including sports, education, medicine, and music. HypnoDads love hearing how visualization can be applied to  career growth and development.

Common Challenges with Visualization

It’s important to note that there is no right or wrong way to visualize. What works for one person may not work for another, and what works for you may change over time. The key is to find a visualization style that resonates with you and to practice it regularly. In HypnoBirthing I teach a style of visualization based on what the neuroscience research says is most effective.

While visualization can be a powerful tool, there are also common challenges that people may face when practicing it. The biggest challenge is difficulty in creating vivid image.  This can be overcome with practice and consistency. Thinking you can’t do something is always a barrier to success.  Negative self-talk and doubt can also be a barrier to visualization. It will reinforce to the subconscious mind that you aren’t a visualizer. In teaching visualization I honor how you visualize naturally and we build upon what comes natural to you.

Early on in our classes we complete a fun visualization exercise that teaches you how you visualize. We all visualize a little differently. Some people may see something in their mind’s eye. Other people fall into the category of “recallers” and recall something similar they have seen in real life to picture in their visualization.  A third style of visualization is “knowing.” For these people they may not “see” an image in their mind, but rely on a sense of knowing and feeling to create the visualization. However you visualize, consistency in practice is an important component in seeing the positive benefits of visualization. Anyone can enhance their ability to create mental imagery and visualize with practice.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best time of day to visualize?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as it ultimately depends on personal preference and schedule. However, the research tends to point out that the time right before you go to bed to be ideal time to visualize.  Not only is this a peaceful way to welcome sleep, but it seeds the subconscious mind with positive images to review during the sleep time. One theory suggests that new memories are temporarily stored and then reactivated during sleep, which helps to consolidate these memories so that they can easily be retrieved later when needed. According to Dr. Wayne Dyer, the last two minutes before you fall asleep at night stay in your subconscious mind for up to four hours while you’re sleeping, making this a great time to do your visualization.

Can anyone visualize effectively?

Yes, anyone can visualize with practice and consistency. There are some people for whom visualization is a struggle. A very small percent of the population suffers from aphantasia, the inability to see (and create) mental images.  For people with aphantasia learning to visualize is like learning to ride a bicycle. You may not hop on and ride down the street the first time, but with a little persistence and practice you can strengthen your imagination muscles and literally rewire your brain. There’s a saying, “Neurons that fire together, wire together.” Thanks to its neuroplasticity, the brain literally grows, altering its physical form and structure as you exercise it.

How long should visualization sessions last?

Most HypnoBirthing moms are also very busy career moms, so this is a frequent question. You want to make time to do what works, yet your day is already stretched very thing. Visualization sessions can last anywhere from a few minutes to an hour, depending on personal preference and schedule. Research has shown that even short visualization sessions of as little as 15 seconds can be effective in helping to achieve desired outcomes.

It’s important to find a length that works for you and that you can commit to practicing consistently. The Law of Repetition as taught in Hypnobirthing is at work on your behalf. Repetition is key to the rewiring of the brain to help the brain encode the behavior and the emotions and be able to execute them effortlessly on your birthing day.  Even short visualization sessions can be effective in achieving positive outcomes. Teaching moms the effective visualization protocols as evidenced by research as one of their HypnoBirthing skills is important to their success. We break down visualization into distinct components to maximize its effectiveness.

Can Visualization Help With Anxiety I Have in Birthing?

This is just a by product that mothers report to us as a result of practicing their HypnoBirthing skills. While we do have a component of the curriculum that addresses fear and anxiety about birthing, we find the visualizations we do are a helpful tool in managing anxiety by promoting relaxation and reducing stress. When practicing our HypnoBirthing skills, we naturally a visualize a peaceful mental image and engaging the senses to create a calming effect. The Peace Bubble, Rainbow Relaxation and The Forest Fantasy scripts all include visualizing yourself in a peaceful setting, such as a beach or a forest, and engaging your senses to create a vivid mental image. Research shows this can help promote relaxation and reduce anxiety.

Is Visualization a Form of Meditation?

There are a couple of different camps when it comes to answering the question about how visualization and meditation work together.  Visualization can be considered a form of meditation, as both practices involve focusing the mind and creating a sense of calm. However, there are some differences between the two practices. Meditation typically involves focusing on the breath or a mantra, while visualization involves creating a mental image of a desired outcome or experience. Both practices can be effective in promoting overall well-being and reducing stress and both are incorporated into the relaxation techniques taught in HypnoBirthing.

What is the Difference Between Hypnosis and Visualization?

Although they are frequently lumped together as one, hypnosis and visualization are two distinct techniques that are often used to promote relaxation and achieve personal goals. Hypnosis involves inducing a trance-like state in which the individual becomes highly suggestible to the hypnotist’s instructions. Visualization, on the other hand, is a technique that involves creating a mental image of a desired outcome or experience. While both techniques can be effective in achieving positive outcomes, hypnosis typically requires the guidance of a trained professional, while visualization can be practiced on one’s own. Additionally, hypnosis can involve a deeper level of relaxation and altered consciousness, while visualization is more focused on creating a mental image.

Visualization is just one of the powerful tools taught in HypnoBirthing that can help us achieve our goals to have a gentle and calm HypnoBirth  and improve our overall sense of well-being. Understanding the amazing tool visualization offers a HypnoBirthing mom, practicing visualization regularly, and finding a length of visualization session that works for us, and we can unlock the full potential of our minds and achieve our desired outcomes. With the added benefit of reduced anxiety for those who practice visualization mastering this component of HypnoBirthing is a clear choice. Enrolling in HypnoBirthing today will allow you to start practicing and increase success, as you define it, for birth.



Hypnobirthing: Start Early for a Calm and Empowering Birth Experience

Hypnobirthing: Start Early for a Calm and Empowering Birth Experience


April 13

Discover the incredible benefits of Hypnobirthing for a relaxed and empowering birth experience. Certified HypnoBirthing Instructors recommend starting your practice early in pregnancy to maximize the advantages of this powerful technique. By understanding the Law of Repetition and beginning your Hypnobirthing classes between weeks 20 and 24, you’ll have ample time to master the skills and build confidence. Even if you’re discovering Hypnobirthing later in pregnancy, there’s still a chance to benefit. Let’s explore why early preparation is key and the numerous advantages of practicing Hypnobirthing.

The Power of Early Hypnobirthing Practice

Begin your Hypnobirthing journey as early as possible to reap the rewards throughout your pregnancy and birth. By starting classes early, you’ll have the opportunity to practice and refine the skills and tools essential for deep relaxation. Understanding the Law of Repetition, a fundamental concept taught in Hypnobirthing classes, will help instill confidence and ensure you can use these techniques effectively on your birthing day. Early engagement allows you to harness the benefits of Hypnobirthing fully.

Benefits of Practicing Hypnobirthing

There are enumerable benefits to adding HypnoBirthing to your birthing bag of tools:

a) Relaxation and Control: Hypnobirthing enables you to relax deeply and feel more in control during labor, promoting a calmer birthing experience.
b) Pain and Anxiety Reduction: By utilizing Hypnobirthing techniques, you can effectively reduce pain and anxiety during labor.
c) Positive and Empowering Birth: Hypnobirthing empowers mothers, fostering a more positive and empowering birth experience.
d) Bonding with Your Baby: Through Hypnobirthing, you can strengthen the bond with your baby during utero. This has its benefits during labor and birth.

Understanding Your Birthing Options

Enrolling in Hypnobirthing classes early equips you with knowledge about your birthing options. By learning about the different choices available during labor, you can make informed decisions, reducing anxiety and increasing comfort. Knowledge is key to feeling in control of the birthing process, and Hypnobirthing provides valuable education on understanding your body and its capabilities.

The Benefits of Childbirth Education Classes

Research indicates that women who take childbirth education classes or engage the services of a doula are less likely to require interventions and are more likely to have a positive and empowering birth experience. Hypnobirthing classes offer comprehensive education, enabling you to understand your birthing options, assemble your birthing team, and optimize your chances of a successful vaginal birth. While various avenues exist to learn Hypnobirthing, attending classes led by a Certified HypnoBirthing The Mongan Way instructor, is highly recommended. I talk about why in person or instructor lead classes are better than on demand or video class in this post. There is just no substitute for a live person when it comes to making sure you get your techniques right. 

Starting your Hypnobirthing practice early in pregnancy sets the stage for a calm and empowering birth experience. By familiarizing yourself with Hypnobirthing techniques and acquiring knowledge about your options, you’ll build confidence and be better equipped to navigate the birthing process. Whether you begin early or discover Hypnobirthing later in pregnancy, the benefits are significant. Prepare yourself and your birth companion with the skills and tools provided in Hypnobirthing classes, ensuring a memorable and transformative birthing journey.


Birthing Classes: Everything You Need to Know

Birthing Classes: Everything You Need to Know


Nov 2019

Birthing Classes: Everything You Need to Know to Make an Informed Decision

Should you take a birthing class? On-Line or In Person, which class is best? How much do they cost? Are they covered by insurance?

There comes a time during pregnancy when you look at your belly and you realize, “Wow. This is real.” Depending upon where you are on the roller coaster of emotions that accompany pregnancy, you might have a sense of calm excitement, or a sudden flash of anxiety. The anxiety comes from the unknown. The best way to combat it is with education.

Taking a birthing class is a good place to start, but how do you know which one is the best for you? In this article, I’ll answer the most frequently asked questions I receive about birthing classes.

What Are HypnoBirthing Classes and How Do They Differ From Other Birthing Classes?

First, it is helpful to think of a childbirth class as getting the basics in all things related to pregnancy and delivery. Good classes have one thing in common: they provide you and your birthing partner information to help prepare you for what is to come.

Knowing what to expect in childbirth means you can reduce any fear about the process and become more empowered to make informed decisions to guide you in your labor.

Most larger cities have a host of choices ranging from a quick broad overview of the stages of labor to classes that offer education on each phase of pregnancy from conception to the Golden Hour.

Most hospitals offer classes ranging from a single Saturday to a series of four-six weeks of two hour weekly classes. The HynoBirthing series of classes typically range from 12-18 hours, with a 12-hour minimum required by the HypnoBirthing Institute. As independent HypnoBirthing Childbirth Educators we can offer more hours.

I offer each couple a private session beyond the basic twelve-hour class. This private session, which lasts two-three hours, we can discuss topics a couple may need more information on, or dive deeper into a hypnosis technique taught in class, or just inject mom and her partner with a last-minute confidence booster a few weeks before birth. Some couples choose to use it for more guided practice, other couples use it to plan what will happen post-partumn.

Do I Need to Take Birthing Classes?

There is an old adage: Knowledge is power. The more you know about the birthing process and how your body is divinely designed for birthing the more prepared you will feel and the less fearful you’ll be as you approach labor.

You’ll learn what to expect in the various stages of labor and how to prepare your mind and body for labor. Your birthing companion will be taught what they can do to support you through each stage, and how they can advocate for your desired birth plan while you focus on labor.

In HypnoBirthing classes we give your birthing partner the game plan. He’ll learn everything you learn about the physiology of birth, and together, you will design the role he will play as your support person.

Unfortunately, research shows most women know what they know about childbirth from Hollywood depictions of a screaming, hysterical woman in stirrups on a metal table, most of them giving birth in emergency situations. This is not about depicting childbirth in its beauty as it unfolds, but about selling advertising. As I mentioned in this article, gentle calm, tranquil births, the kind HypnoBirthing creates, doesn’t create the drama advertisers need.

In taking a HypnoBirthing class or any birthing class that is geared toward natural birth, you’ll learn a whole new way of approaching labor and birthing.

Birthing classes will help you:

• Understand the physiological process of birth, which will help you feel more confident.
• Gain confidence in your body’s ability to give birth.
• Learn effective and natural pain management strategies.
• Create an informed and empowered partner who will know how to support you.
• HypnoBirthing classes will also prepare you to use deep relaxation, hypnosis and other comfort measures to address pain and discomfort during the last trimester and in labor.

When Should You Take Birthing Classes?

Depending upon your schedule, you can take a birthing class at any time during your pregnancy. The start of the second trimester is a great time to start a HypnoBirthing class. At this stage of pregnancy, you are typically still relatively comfortable and have good energy. It gives you plenty of time to practice the tools you learn in class and build confidence in using them. As you will learn in class, building confidence in your ability to allow your body to do what it is designed to do is very important.

There is a lot more flexibility in classes offered by a private Certified Birthing Educator than by enrolling in a hospital class.

How Much Do Birthing Classes Cost?

Whatever you pay, the information is priceless if it gives you a boost in confidence. There are a lot of expenses that come with birthing. One thing you don’t want to do is be a couple who spends more time, energy and money on vacation planning than  planning for parenthood. The investment you make in yourselves and getting started on the right foot in becoming parents.

The costs of classes depend upon your location and the provider. For example:
• HypnoBirthing classes in Sacramento cost an average of $395.00
A five-hour birthing essentials class costs $125.00
• A class offered by your hospital may be free or low fee, covered by your hospital insurance.

Which brings us to the next frequently asked question:

Are Birthing Classes Covered by Insurance?

Childbirth classes are not generally covered by health insurance, though you can check with your individual provider to get specifics. However, some flexible spending accounts (FSA) and health savings accounts (HSA) will partially cover birthing classes. I offer statements of payment for parents who wish to seek reimbursement from their FSA for childbirth classes.

Where Can I Find Childbirth Classes Near Me?

Now that we have Google, it is quite easy to find a childbirth educator near you. Search “Childbirth classes near me” and local childbirth educators will populate in the search page.

More and more when you search “Childbirth classes near me” on-line childbirth classes will come up near the top of the query.

There are pros and cons to taking childbirth classes on-line. I usually get a dozen or so panic calls each year from a mom who opted for an on-line hypnobirth class and now doubts whether she is fully prepared for birth.

One of the biggest drawbacks to using on on-line platform for birth hypnosis is if you have never done hypnosis or relaxation breathing techniques you may practice them incorrectly. The whole key to practice is perfect practice makes perfect delivery.

Initially, for some moms, an on-line hypnobirth class may seem like a time saver, or a money saver. Then, when the doubt about whether they are doing the techniques correctly sets in they have no support. The feedback we receive from instructor observation in a class creates more confidence in what we are doing. When we have early modification of incorrect techniques we can go on to create constructive habits of practice. 

I started offering a three-session support class for those partners needing more support after taking an on-line hypnosis for childbirth class.

Can I Take the Class My Hospital Offers?

In most cases, if you are wanting to have a natural birth, I do not recommend you take just the hospital class. It is best to align yourself with an instructor specifically trained in the methods you want to use to support your natural birth. Make sure these are evidence-based methods utilizing the most current research in what is best practice for mom and baby.

Here’s a thought: Most hospital courses teach parents how to be good patients and focus little on teaching them to be empowered birthers. Hospital courses are designed to make sure you understand interventions, not options.

While Sacramento area hospitals vary in their c-section rates, and tout some of the lowest rates in the State, parents are patients and prepped accordingly in the childbirth classes.

The World Health Organization says that the ideal rate for c- sections is between 10-15%. Some Sacramento area hospitals have c-section rates meeting these standards.

I encourage my parents to take courses provided by the hospital where they will birth. However, there is a caveat to their enrollment. I ask them to take a hospital birthing class only after they have completed the HypnoBirthing series of classes.

This approach provides them with a solid background in evidence-based practices from our hypnobirthing class and an array of options of best practices that are available in birthing. This way they are better prepared to ask informed questions during their classes.
Then, after they take their classes and hospital tour I like to talk with them again to dehypnotize them from some of the information they were given that might instill doubt and fear in the ability of a woman to birth instinctually.

I have a good friend who is an instructor in one of our local hospital classes and she says she can always tell when a HypnoBirthing couple is in the group because of the great quality of their questions.

My HypnoBirthing parents often come back to class and report they were the only couple who didn’t have that “deer in the headlights” look of fear throughout the class.

Taking a class from the hospital where you will be birthing will give you an introduction to the culture of the hospital. This can be invaluable intel when it comes to what you can expect in support of executing your birth plan.

What Birthing Classes Are Right for Me?

Cue the picture of Alice in Wonderland standing before the Cheshire cat. “That depends a good deal on where you want to get to.”

You need to consider what type of child birthing course will help you to have the birth you desire. Also, many people need to take into consideration their work schedule, the days and times classes are given. If you don’t have a few weeks to devote to learning what you need to know, then you are going to take an entirely different course of birth education than if can devote a few hours a week for five or six weeks.
Most people need to consider expense. Most HypnoBirthing instructors will work with a payment plan because they understand all the added expenses coming your way as you prepare for childbirth.

The best way to determine which class is right for you is to research. Call the instructor of the childbirth class you are interested in taking and have a discussion with them. Find out a little more about the birthing class curriculum than what might be on the website. More importantly, find out if this instructor feels warm, compassionate, is qualified and knowledgeable with certifications in the methods they teach. This is the basis for a right fit.

Is Attending a Childbirth Class In Person Still Important?

Is Attending a Childbirth Class In Person Still Important?

April 2018

I know you have a lot going on when you are pregnant but one thing you don’t want to skip is the childbirth education class.  Yes, you’ll give birth no matter what, but taking a course will better prepare your mind and your body. The knowledge of how your mind and body work together is very empowering, especially for first-time moms.

According to Childbirth Connection, a non-profit group who surveyed 1,600 women, expectant moms are turning to television (68 percent), books (33 percent), friends and relatives (19 percent), and the Internet (16 percent), instead of attending class.

This is scary. Here’s why.

Let’s take a closer look at the information offered on television. The births depicted on television are designed to increase ratings. Showing a natural, easy, tranquil birth such as one achieved through learning HypnoBirthing isn’t exactly going to make for a riveting storyline.  Television births show women in distress, treat birthing as a medical emergency, and infer that women are incapable of birthing without medical intervention.  They instill fear of birthing. When was the last time you saw a normal birth on television? Yet, research is showing many women report their primary birthing education source as reality television.

While I encourage reading good books when you are pregnant, when it comes to practicing what is in the book, many women find they a) don’t do it, or b) don’t know if they are practicing correctly.

Perfect Practice Makes Perfect Execution.

Childbirth education for most women consists of their hospital tour where they prepare you for the necessity of medical interventions.

Oh, and those friends and relatives giving you information? Where did they get their information? Most likely television. 

Wait until you share with them, who were ill-prepared to birth at best, that you want to birth naturally, without an epidural.

“Yeah, you’ll change your mind on that one,” they smirk, as they secretly wish they could turn back time, and had prepared themselves for an educated birth experience.

They will each have a story and a reason why you don’t want to birth naturally.  Not only does drama in birthing abound in media, “good friends” and complete strangers, think nothing of discussing the intimacies of their birthing, unasked. 

Rarely when you announce you are pregnant do people rush to tell you of their wonderful birthing experience. However, they’ll trip over their diaper bags to share an awful and horrific birth story.

Women tend to embellish awful birthing stories with each retelling. A 72 hour labor does sound horrendous until you discover that the first surge she noticed began the time clock and active labor only lasted for about six of those hours. It must be that a 72-hour labor earns you a merit badge that is glitzier than the one for a six hour birth.

You’ve no doubt skimmed the internet looking for information now that you’re pregnant.

The internet.

There’s no place on earth where so much bad information is housed in one place. When you’re pregnant it should be renamed the Scarenet. It’s one of the privileges of living in an age overflowing with information. There’s enough labor misinformation on the net to print out and gift wrap Mother Earth..

How Giving Birth Is Like Changing A Flat Tire

I remember my first flat tire.

Stay with me on this one. I’m coming back to giving birth. I promise.

Fortunately, I was prepared for it, thanks to my father.

I came home and proudly announced we learned to change a tire in driver’s education. My dad’s eyebrow’s arched in that “Really?”  look.

To me, we had learned. In the “Know Your Vehicle” chapter there was a section discussing essential elements of maintenance, including changing a tire.  In class the teacher reviewed the steps for changing the tire, the diagram of proper placement of the jack underneath the car, and we watched a film of someone changing a tire.  He reviewed what could go wrong if you didn’t put the jack in place correctly from the beginning.

I received a “B” on the pop quiz the next class. I left out looking at the owner’s manual and something about setting the hazard lights.

My father wanted to make sure I really knew the information. He took me outside to the driveway, pulled up a lawn chair and said, “Change the tire.” I thought he was kidding. He wasn’t. He informed me there would be no dinner for the family until my tire was changed.

The pressure set in. I looked for the owner’s manual. I remember that was one thing I missed on the test. It was no where to be found. We were the second owners of this car and my dad couldn’t recall ever having seen it.

I began to panic. There were no wedges for the tire. The book said to put wedges under the tire. My dad laughed. Improvise he told me. I was stumped.  Neither the film nor the reading had talked about what happens when you’re missing some of the items necessary to change the tire.

After a few moments of me giving him my best “help me please” eyes, he told me to take a couple of the bigger rocks from the garden and place them behind the tires.

It took several practice runs to correctly place the jack underneath the car. I almost gave up in frustration trying to use it. Despite my protestations that by now some good-looking guy would have pulled over to help me change the tire, he wouldn’t let me off the hook.

The lug nuts were VERY snug. After a painfully long time watching me try to twist the lug wrench, my dad showed me how to leverage my body weight to make removing the nuts easier.

The man in the video had made it look so easy. Just twist and turn. Who would have known I’d need to twist the technique?

Finally, having removed the lug nuts, it was time to remove the tire and replace it with the spare. Somewhere in the rotation of the tire, a lug nut mysteriously vanished. After several minutes retracing my steps and hunting  through the pebbles of the driveway for the nut, my father tossed it to me.

“Put the lug nuts in the car or in a pocket. Don’t leave them on the ground. It’s too easy for them to get lost. Put them where you know you will find them.”  A golden nugget from a sage advisor.

We went way past dinner time. My dad made me repeat the drill a few more times until he felt I knew what I was doing and that I was confident doing it. I blew through it the second time around (and was very careful about where I placed the lug nuts). Third time around was a little over-kill, I thought, until I had a tire blow while driving. Nothing beats live guided practice for preparation. Thank goodness my dad thought to thoroughly prepare me a head of time.

Back To Birthing

You can listen to others who have birthed, watch all the videos on YouTube you want, read several great books, but just like learning how to change a tire, nothing will prepare you for the real thing like practice.

And while you can’t practice actual birth, in HypnoBirthing classes, the exercises and information we give you are designed to build confidence in your body’s ability to birth naturally so when the time comes you feel prepared and confident of your body’s design for birthing.

Going into childbirth blindly, without childbirth preparation, is something that you will later regret.  More hospitals are getting rid of maternity wards as insurance rates and malpractice suits rise and Medicaid reimbursement drops, leaving a smaller number of hospitals to juggle the same number of deliveries. There is little time for staff to offer coaching and support for laboring mothers.

Whether you are learning to change a tire to be prepared for that inevitable time when you’re out of cell phone range and the tire goes flat, or whether you are preparing for the birth of your baby, nothing beats supervised live instruction where you can ask questions, receive feedback, and know that you are doing the steps correctly.

As a HypnoBirthing practitioner, I’m full of little nuggets of advice. Our classes are designed for women to share their wisdom and insight they learn as they read and practice the skills and techniques.

Don’t skip the childbirth education class. In person will beat on-line when it comes to preparation. If a multi-session class doesn’t fit into your time schedule, opt for private sessions where we can design instruction to meet your time frame.