Key to HypnoBirthing is a HypnoBirth-Trained Doula

Key to HypnoBirthing is a HypnoBirth-Trained Doula


This blog post explores the benefits of hypnobirthing. We also explore the pros and cons of hiring a hypnobirthing-trained doula. It gives key questions to ask when hiring the right doula to support you throughout your hypnobirthing journey.

Ask anyone who has witnessed a birth, and they will agree: welcoming a new life into the world is a miraculous and transformative experience. Hypnobirthing has emerged as a popular approach for expectant parents who desire a calm and empowering birth experience. This gentle and natural method utilizes self-hypnosis, relaxation techniques, and positive affirmations to promote a more serene and manageable labor and delivery. 

The Benefits of Hypnobirthing 

Hypnobirthing offers a range of benefits for expectant parents. By harnessing the power of relaxation and self-hypnosis, hypnobirthing enables mothers to tap into their innate abilities, reduce fear and anxiety, and enhance their overall birth experience. Research suggests that hypnobirthing can contribute to shorter labor, decreased medical interventions, and increased satisfaction with the birth process. Moreover, it promotes a positive mindset, empowering parents with a sense of control and confidence during this transformative time.

Doula or Don’t You Know HypnoBirthing? 

When selecting a doula to support you during your hypnobirthing journey, it’s crucial to understand the difference between a doula who has received specific hypnobirthing training and one who has solely experienced hypnobirthing personally.

 While both options may offer valuable support, a doula trained in hypnobirthing brings unique expertise and insights to enhance your birthing experience. This article will explore the pros and cons of choosing a doula with hypnobirthing training versus a doula with personal hypnobirthing experience.

Pros of Choosing a Hypnobirthing-Trained Doula: 

There are many positive reasons to choose a doula with HypnoBirthing training. I’ll highlight just a few in the interest of space and your time. I’d love you to share additional reasons in the comment section. 

  1. Expertise in Hypnobirthing Techniques: A doula with hypnobirthing training possesses in-depth knowledge and understanding of the various techniques, exercises, and relaxation methods. She knows what tools are available in your HypnoBirthing toolbox and when to use them.  a Hypnobirthing doula can guide you in effectively utilizing self-hypnosis, breathing techniques, and affirmations to promote a calm and empowered birth – at the appropriate points in your birthing journey.
  2. Tailored Support: A trained hypnobirthing doula can personalize their assistance to align with your hypnobirthing preferences and birth plan. They will know the skills you have learned and can help you incorporate hypnobirthing techniques seamlessly. They will communicate with medical professionals to ensure your desire to integrate hypnobirthing techniques is respected.
  3. Comprehensive Preparation: As part of their pre-natal visits with you, doulas have a set of educational concepts they cover with you. A hypnobirthing-trained doula can provide comprehensive preparation and education specific to hypnobirthing. They can offer resources, recommend reading materials, and conduct practice sessions to enhance your understanding and implementation of hypnobirthing techniques. The support they will give you will go hand-in-glove with the training you have received from your Certified HypnoBirthing Educator. Their language (that all-important, number one hypnotic tool) will be consistent with the language you learned was essential to support your HypnoBirthing mindset.  
  4. Confidence and Reassurance: Having a doula with the same training can be a source of confidence and reassurance throughout your birthing experience. When your doula understands the techniques and methods you’ve learned, it reinforces your belief in them. You will speak the same language, enabling seamless communication and understanding between you and your doula. Think of it as having the perfect training wheels as you embark on your birthing journey, providing stability and support. 

Cons of Choosing a Hypnobirthing-Trained Doula 

Of course, there are some cons to consider if you are dead set on finding the perfect hypnobirthing doula match. 

  1. Availability and Accessibility: Hypnobirthing-trained doulas may be in higher demand due to their specialized skills. This could limit their availability, requiring early booking and scheduling conflicts. 
  2. Cost Considerations: The expertise and training that hypnobirthing-trained doulas bring to your birthing experience can come with a higher price tag than doulas without specific hypnobirthing training. HypnoBirthing is an experiential training. Your doula invested a huge sum in obtaining this additional training, and because, bottom line, being a doula is a business, they will need to recoup that cost.  It’s important to consider your budget and weigh the value of their specialized knowledge against your financial constraints.
  3. Compatibility: Finding the right doula for your hypnobirthing journey involves more than just their training. Compatibility and a strong connection with your chosen doula are equally vital. Ensuring their personality, communication style, and overall approach align with your needs and preferences and their hypnobirthing expertise is essential. Consider what matters most to you – knowing, LOVING, trusting your doula, or simply feeling comfortable with them while still benefiting from their hypnobirthing knowledge.  Another consideration in finding the right hypnobirthing doula Is the hypnobirthing training. There are subtle differences in the various hypnobirthing programs. You must decide if you want a doula trained in the same model you learned.
  4. Limited Pool of Options: The pool of hypnobirthing-trained doulas may be smaller than doulas without specific hypnobirthing training. This could limit your choices when selecting a doula, requiring thorough research and potentially longer search times.

I’m unsure where this point goes, but it is worth mentioning. Several clients reported their doulas stated they knew hypnobirthing. But really, she used it herself or read the book and supported other moms in using some of the techniques. NOTHING is more comprehensive than taking HypnoBirthing training. There is a difference between using the method and learning how to teach and support someone else effectively. 

As an educational consultant with a Master of Curriculum Development and Training designation,  I’ve previewed several video training programs – and while some are good, most lack the depth in hypnosis training that a live instructor-led interactive class provides. This is crucial for you. An instructor-led course ensures your doula/educator has the proper knowledge to ensure you are doing hypnosis and not just falling asleep. 

Key Questions to Ask a Doula

When seeking a doula with hypnobirthing expertise, it is important to ask specific questions to ensure they have the necessary training and experience to guide you effectively. Let’s explore the key questions you should ask a prospective hypnobirthing doula.

When interviewing a potential hypnobirthing doula, the following questions will help you assess their qualifications, experience, and compatibility:

  1. Can you tell us about your experience as a doula focusing on hypnobirthing?
  2. How long have you practiced hypnobirthing techniques, and what specific training have you received in this area?
  3. Have you worked with couples who have used hypnobirthing in the past? If so, can you share some examples or success stories?
  4. What role do you see yourself in supporting us during the labor and delivery process with hypnobirthing techniques?
  5. Are you familiar with different hypnobirthing methods or programs, and do you have a preferred approach? Can you explain your reasoning behind it?
  6. How do you typically assist expectant parents in preparing for a hypnobirthing experience? What kind of guidance or resources do you provide?
  7. Can you explain how you would incorporate hypnobirthing techniques into the birth plan and work alongside medical professionals?
  8. Are there any specific comfort measures or techniques you typically recommend to enhance the effectiveness of hypnobirthing during labor?
  9. Have you encountered any challenges or complications during hypnobirthing-assisted births, and how did you handle them?
  10. Can you provide references from previous clients who have utilized your services for hypnobirthing? (Note: privacy restrictions might exist to providing this information.)

By asking these questions, you can gauge the doula’s expertise, level of experience, and compatibility with your birth preferences. 

Hiring an experienced doula specializing in hypnobirthing can provide invaluable support and guidance throughout your birthing journey. By asking relevant questions and ensuring their qualifications align with your preferences, you can find the perfect doula to help you achieve the transformative birth experience you envision.

Choosing a doula trained in hypnobirthing offers distinct advantages when aiming for a calm and empowered birth experience. They possess expertise in hypnobirthing techniques, provide personalized support, offer comprehensive preparation, and instill confidence. However, it’s important to consider factors like availability, cost, compatibility, and the size of the available pool when selecting a doula. By carefully evaluating your needs and priorities, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your desires for a transformative hypnobirthing birth experience.


Hypnobirthing: Start Early for a Calm and Empowering Birth Experience

Hypnobirthing: Start Early for a Calm and Empowering Birth Experience


April 13

Discover the incredible benefits of Hypnobirthing for a relaxed and empowering birth experience. Certified HypnoBirthing Instructors recommend starting your practice early in pregnancy to maximize the advantages of this powerful technique. By understanding the Law of Repetition and beginning your Hypnobirthing classes between weeks 20 and 24, you’ll have ample time to master the skills and build confidence. Even if you’re discovering Hypnobirthing later in pregnancy, there’s still a chance to benefit. Let’s explore why early preparation is key and the numerous advantages of practicing Hypnobirthing.

The Power of Early Hypnobirthing Practice

Begin your Hypnobirthing journey as early as possible to reap the rewards throughout your pregnancy and birth. By starting classes early, you’ll have the opportunity to practice and refine the skills and tools essential for deep relaxation. Understanding the Law of Repetition, a fundamental concept taught in Hypnobirthing classes, will help instill confidence and ensure you can use these techniques effectively on your birthing day. Early engagement allows you to harness the benefits of Hypnobirthing fully.

Benefits of Practicing Hypnobirthing

There are enumerable benefits to adding HypnoBirthing to your birthing bag of tools:

a) Relaxation and Control: Hypnobirthing enables you to relax deeply and feel more in control during labor, promoting a calmer birthing experience.
b) Pain and Anxiety Reduction: By utilizing Hypnobirthing techniques, you can effectively reduce pain and anxiety during labor.
c) Positive and Empowering Birth: Hypnobirthing empowers mothers, fostering a more positive and empowering birth experience.
d) Bonding with Your Baby: Through Hypnobirthing, you can strengthen the bond with your baby during utero. This has its benefits during labor and birth.

Understanding Your Birthing Options

Enrolling in Hypnobirthing classes early equips you with knowledge about your birthing options. By learning about the different choices available during labor, you can make informed decisions, reducing anxiety and increasing comfort. Knowledge is key to feeling in control of the birthing process, and Hypnobirthing provides valuable education on understanding your body and its capabilities.

The Benefits of Childbirth Education Classes

Research indicates that women who take childbirth education classes or engage the services of a doula are less likely to require interventions and are more likely to have a positive and empowering birth experience. Hypnobirthing classes offer comprehensive education, enabling you to understand your birthing options, assemble your birthing team, and optimize your chances of a successful vaginal birth. While various avenues exist to learn Hypnobirthing, attending classes led by a Certified HypnoBirthing The Mongan Way instructor, is highly recommended. I talk about why in person or instructor lead classes are better than on demand or video class in this post. There is just no substitute for a live person when it comes to making sure you get your techniques right. 

Starting your Hypnobirthing practice early in pregnancy sets the stage for a calm and empowering birth experience. By familiarizing yourself with Hypnobirthing techniques and acquiring knowledge about your options, you’ll build confidence and be better equipped to navigate the birthing process. Whether you begin early or discover Hypnobirthing later in pregnancy, the benefits are significant. Prepare yourself and your birth companion with the skills and tools provided in Hypnobirthing classes, ensuring a memorable and transformative birthing journey.


Using a Birthing Ball For Pregnancy, Birth, and Beyond

Using a Birthing Ball For Pregnancy, Birth, and Beyond

What is a Birthing Ball? 

Birthing Ball. Pregnancy Ball. Yoga Ball. They are all just an ordinary exercise ball repurposed for birthing. We simply switched the name when we use it in preparation for, and during labor.  

While most hospitals provide balls for use during labor, many moms prefer to bring their own from home. Having a birthing ball to use at home has its own advantages, too.  

How Can I Use  A Birthing Ball at Home During My Pregnancy? 

Using a birthing ball as a chair instead of sitting on the sofa or chair can offer much more comfort, especially during the later weeks of pregnancy. Even early on they can help to minimize aches in your spine, hips, and lower back. It also can help you resist the urge to slump as it promotes good posture. 

Sitting on a large, round, soft,  ball gives your core a mini workout as you balance or rock on it gently. Also, sitting on a birthing ball is that it helps to open up your hips making room for the baby to descend into the pelvis.  It can even help with breathing during the third trimester. These gently rocking movements also promote blood flow to the placenta.  

Most importantly, using a birthing ball during pregnancy can help get the baby in the correct position for birth.  

When Should I Start Using a Birthing Ball?  

This is a great question, and it speaks to the excitement and desire to do what is best to ready the body for an easy pregnancy and delivery. Most women start using their ball around 32 weeks. This is often a time during pregnancy when women start to notice more of the effects of carrying a baby. However, if you are having back discomfort or strained breathing, you might want to try sitting on a birthing ball earlier. Remember that sitting on the ball helps build core strength as your belly grows bigger, so there’s never a “too early” time.  

What Size Birthing Ball Should I Use? 

Having proper sizing is important not only for safety reasons but also for comfort. A birthing ball too big or a birthing ball too small can be uncomfortable and unstable. The general guidelines are: 

55 cm – shorter women – (up to 5”4’) 

65 cm  medium-sized women (5’5” – 5’9”) 

75 cm – tall women (6’ and taller) 

Check to make sure the ball is the right fit for you when it is inflated to a comfortable fullness. Your legs should be able to at a 90-degree angle with your flat on the floor. If your knees are high and your hips are dipping below the knee line, it may cause a strain on your hips.  

What Should I Know Before Purchasing a Birthing Ball? 

Besides the fact that birthing balls are the same as exercise balls, you want to make sure you are getting a ball made with anti-burst materials.  

In classes, I use and recommend the URBNFit Exercise Ball

I can vouch that it has held up well with lots of use – including inflating and deflating for travel and height and comfort adjustments. It comes with a quick inflation pump which works well if you don’t have a tire pump. The other nice thing about this ball is its multiple color choice. They have held up well with many sized moms and dads using them as classroom chairs as well as for practicing the labor positions we teach.

It’s always a good idea to check with your midwife or provider before using a birthing ball. They know the particulars about your pregnancy and can best direct you how you might use it to address special circumstances, if any,  you may be experiencing.