What Is The Gold Seal in HypnoBirthing?
April 2021

Another voicemail. A concerned and panicked momma.
She took a class called, “Hypnobirthing” from a center that offered lots of birth-related classes. However, after all the classes are done, she has questions about what she learned.
As her story unfolds disappointment and sadness fill my heart. It is evident she thought she enrolled in a HypnoBirthing the Mongan Way, birthing hypnosis class, but she hadn’t. The class was advertised that way. They used the book HypnoBirthing the Mongan Way
However, the instructor was not certified in HypnoBirthing. She was a mom who experienced the gentleness of a HypnoBirth and wanted other moms to have the fantastic birthing experience she received.
Excitement, appreciation, and a positive birthing experience can not replace the knowledge and training required to receive certification as a HypnoBirthing instructor. Yes, it is true, many moms go on to train as a Certified HypnoBirthing Educator after they have experienced their own HypnoBirthing. But just using the skills and reading the book does not qualify a person to call themselves a HypnoBirthing instructor.
I have over 700 hours of training in hypnosis. Add an additional 60 hours of training in HypnoBirthing to be able to teach HypnoBirthing. Then, add childbirth education classes at the instructor level.
Sadly, after a successful hypnobirth, many women think they are qualified to teach other women. It comes from a well-meaning place. And as this momma and a few dozen other moms who have turned to me after taking a class from a non-certified instructor have found out, certification makes a difference.
Would you take your car to a certified mechanic to have the engine tuned or to someone who tuned their own car once and now wants to share with you how to do tune an engine? It is best to take your car to a certified specialist who is manufacturer trained. They know nuances about the engine your hobby mechanic may miss because they lack the factory training.
How Do You Know a Certified HypnoBirthing Instructor?
Look for the Gold Seal on their website. The gold HypnoBirthing emblem is a sign of both credibility and professionalism for Educators internationally. This emblem is only given to those Educators who have pushed themselves to successfully complete the extensive HypnoBirthing certification classes and training. And just to make sure someone is being totally honest, and didn’t just pin the Gold Seal to their site, check the HypnoBirthing Institute site. It has an up-to-date listing of all instructors internationally.
As a student of a Certified HypnoBirthing Educator, you will receive, included in your tuition, your book, a workbook, and a download keycard to access your MP3s. You will also receive additional branded handouts during/following each class.
Educators have a uniform curriculum we follow. It is updated frequently with the latest evidence-based information from birthing science, brain science, and follows adult learning theory to make sure you receive the latest information and best instructional practices.
Yes, I did work with this mom. We filled in the gaps. She felt confident and ready to use her HypnoBirthing tools.

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